October 22, 2024

Ethics of Business and the Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Couple of business persons walking and talking

Emotionally intelligent leaders take an authentic interest in the experiences and mental states of others, inspiring employees to give their best effort for the company. Such leaders energize employees to bring forth their best performance.

Ethics are at the core of business. Practices which violate legal guidelines but fail to act ethically can do irreparable damage to a company’s image and reduce profits significantly.

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, has become an essential quality employers seek out in potential leaders. According to the World Economic Forum 2020 Future of Jobs report, numerous industries are searching for leadership that prioritizes human relationships over task lists and productivity goals.

Leaders with high emotional intelligence tend to experience less stress, are better communicators and more empathic, helping their team members succeed and foster an environment conducive to increased productivity, efficiency and job satisfaction.

Self-awareness is at the core of emotional intelligence. This includes understanding both your strengths and weaknesses as well as learning to manage negative emotions like anger and stress more effectively. For instance, if you know you get easily frustrated when meetings run late, taking steps to make sure these emotions don’t manifest before your team shows you care for their individuality and allows them to trust and follow you more easily.


Empathy is one of the cornerstones of Emotional Intelligence for leadership. This trait allows leaders to better comprehend their team members, provide support and constructive criticism; ultimately leading to increased employee satisfaction and productivity.

Empathy, while essential, is often misinterpreted. Some confuse empathy with sympathy or compassion, when in reality empathy involves actively trying to understand another’s point of view and feelings.

Leaders with empathy are open to different opinions and worldviews, possess an insatiable curiosity for how others work and what motivates them, are flexible in their approaches to projects and able to adapt quickly in response to changing circumstances – these traits enable them to form diverse yet high-performing teams and manage conflict by finding mutually beneficial solutions, create positive workplace cultures that contribute to company success, as well as forge relationships that contribute towards company growth. TalentSmart’s emotional intelligence training services state these qualities are indispensable in any leadership position.


Business ethics refer to the moral principles that guide how a company conducts its transactions. Companies with strong ethical standards are more likely to succeed. Research shows that consumers prefer companies with high ethics standards, helping build brand recognition and customer loyalty. Furthermore, having an effective business ethics program in place may save companies money in legal fees and restitution payments.

One key concept in business ethics is the identification of a company’s purpose. Modern discussions about business ethics tend to center around this idea that its main goal should be providing quality service to both customers and employees alike.

Other ethical considerations relate to working conditions that put employees in harm’s way, for instance crowded work spaces without an exit may leave employees trapped or even crushed in case of an emergency like fire.

Conflict Resolution

Although basic standards exist globally to define what constitutes ethical behavior and unethical conduct, situations can sometimes become murky. For instance, workers being forced to work in overcrowded and unsafe conditions that put them at risk in case of emergency would be considered unethical behavior.

An ethical code of business conduct is vital for long-term success and protecting employees and clients, maintaining manufacturing standards, keeping companies honest and fair and discouraging unfounded claims from being made about products or services.

At various points throughout history, many authors have written on the ethics of business. Notable examples include John Locke’s analysis of private property as moral justification; Adam Smith; David Hume and others have all made contributions on this topic; however it wasn’t until recently that this concept truly garnered widespread interest and many businesses began creating in-house codes of ethics to maintain control when distinguishing right from wrong becomes difficult.